You didn't make all league and you thought you should have... so did I, and I think your stats verify it. Sometimes when you play on a .500 team, you don't get the recognition you should.
But now you are pissed.
You don't like it.
Everyone gets pissed. Just fact.
What everyone doesn't do - is do something about it.
Here is what about 90% of people do:
* Some cry
* Some quit
* Some agree
* Some go away
* Some accept that they can't get better
* Some do nothing
but, for the remaining 10%, what they do is use that as fuel to understand why and then set about to improve themselves, their play, their teammates.
You are in that 10% group. Typically people in this group operate on their own true compass. They run outside the pack, they do what they want, they really aren't impacted by trends or petty issues, in fact, they ignore them.
But, when they believe they are right, they rise up, dedicated to get better, to make those outside their compass range, see and appreciate their efforts, work and talent in a different light.
When someone tells you that "You can't," or "You aren't good enough," you get pissy and frustrated, you even get a bit defeatist for a while, then, after you stew and simmer, you fight back. You work out, you focus, you find this internal drive that burns and you are out to prove them wrong.
You have done this before, you will do this again.
It will make you a better player.
It will make you mentally tougher.
So, stay pissed :)