You may not like it, but you need stress to grow.
Your greatest growth doesn't occur when things are easy, your greatest growth occurs in times of stress.
Stress expands your capabilities - it stretches your being.
But constant stress is not good for you. You have to learn to step back out of stress. You can accomplish this by taking a nap, by working out, by watching the Simpsons, by going out for hot chocolate.
Once you escape stress and step back, only then can you realize how far you have come.
And, when you re-enter that activity that causes you stress, it will be easier to recognize and handle.
Your greatest growth doesn't occur when things are easy, your greatest growth occurs in times of stress.
Stress expands your capabilities - it stretches your being.
But constant stress is not good for you. You have to learn to step back out of stress. You can accomplish this by taking a nap, by working out, by watching the Simpsons, by going out for hot chocolate.
Once you escape stress and step back, only then can you realize how far you have come.
And, when you re-enter that activity that causes you stress, it will be easier to recognize and handle.
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